Apart from being one of the oldest messaging apps, the variety of features provided by the Telegram makes it so much successful. You can create and join various channels, join different groups, and make use of different bots available on Telegram. Even if you are a regular Telegram user, you might be missing out on some cool Telegram bots. Keeping this fact in mind we are going to introduce you with some of the best bots available on Telegram that will make your day.

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Best Telegram Bots

1. BotFather

Now, as the name suggests, this bot can be called the father of all bots. BotFather helps you create your own new bot as well as assists in maintaining the existing bots. It is really simple and easy to use BotFather. Just click on /start and follow the simple instructions given by BotFather.

You can edit existing bots using different commands. Also, the bot settings can be changed using other commands. A new bot can be created by simply typing /newbot and then following the given commands.

2. GetMediaBot

If finding new songs, favorite movie scenes, new trailers, lyrics have always been a mess, then this cool Telegram bot is for you. GetMediaBot is one place where you can find all your favorite stuff. Using GetMediaBot, not only media can be streamed online but can also be downloaded in different qualities. Just open GetMediaBot, type /start and search whatever you want to.

3. Wolfram Bot

It is one powerful bot to calm down your curiousness. Wolfram Bot answers your queries and questions in seconds and works just like WolframAlpha, a popular knowledge engine created by Wolfram Research. Anything related to history, arts, science, date and time or whatever you can think of can be asked to Wolfram Bot and surprisingly Wolfram Bot never fails to answer your questions.

4. Gamee

Now gamers are surely going to like this one. Using Gamee bot, you can play games with your friends or you can also play alone. Results can also be compared between you and your friends. Users can play various games on Gamee like F1 Racer, Space traveler and Karate Kido. You can also download the Gamee app from the Play Store for more enjoyment.

5. Yandex. Translate

With the help of Telegram, it has become really easy to communicate and make new friends from around the world. But what if your friend speaks in another language? This is where one of the best Telegram bots Yandex. Translate comes into existence. With the help of this Telegram bot, you can easily communicate with anyone without any interruption related to language understanding.

To make Yandex. Translate work, tap on start and then set your input language by tapping on /setmylang. After that, click on /tolang to set the language in which you want the output. Yandex. Translate gives results in English by default.

6. Quiz From Panda

Increasing knowledge while having fun has been made possible with Quiz from Panda. This useful bot from Telegram serves you with great knowledge by giving you a quiz with tricky questions. Just click on /start and get ready to face the questions from around the world. You can also check your position worldwide with /stat option.

7. VK Music Bot

Telegram is a boon for music lovers too. While using Telegram when you wish to listen to music, you don’t need to go somewhere else. Just type VK Music Bot in your search and enter the world of music.

Using VK Music Bot you can search for music by simply typing the music title or you can also search for music by typing the artist name.

8. Lyric

Singing the song while listening to it is always so much fascinating. But what if you are listening to a great song and you don’t understand its lyrics? Just sit and relax because Lyric is there for you.

This amazing Telegram bot provides you with the lyrics of your favorite songs. Moreover Lyric not only gives the search results after typing the song name but also by typing its lyrics. So if you don’t remember the name of the song, you can just type a line of that song that you remember and Lyric will show you the related results.

9. Snipfeed

Snipfeed can be used as an all in one platform on Telegram. By using Snipfeed, users can see what’s trending and watch the latest news with photos, GIFs, and videos. Snipfeed can also be used to play various quizzes to increase knowledge. Other than that, Snipfeed users can also personalize their content and choose what all they want to see.

10. VoteBot

If you like taking suggestions from others and not just take decisions by yourself, then VoteBot will surely serve your purpose. With the help of VoteBot, you can create a poll on Telegram and see what others think about your situation.

After creating the poll, you can share it with your friends. You can also publish your poll in groups and take suggestions from a large number of people.

11. All Questions

If you like asking questions frequently and also like to give answers to other’s questions, then All Questions bot is the correct place for you. Other than asking and replying to questions, the user can choose from English or Russian language and also check their overall ranking. The user gets 1 point for answering a question and on the other hand, 3 points are deducted for asking a question.

12. AirTrack

Telegram also takes care of the users who love to travel a lot. With the help of AirTicket, users can book even international tickets on Telegram in no time. Other than booking tickets, AirTicket also tracks the ticket prices for its users and notifies them as soon as the ticket prices change.

AirTicket also assists its users by speaking in a variety of languages. It asks for the country as well as the currency of the users and provides the best services to them.

13. HotelBot

Planning a vacation but not sure about your stay? Just pack your bags and leave everything else to HotelBot. This bot will assist you in different languages and shows the best Hotels available in town. It can also sort hotels by price and popularity, according to the needs of its users.

14. YouTube Bot

Telegram has been able to provide YouTube services to its users while using Telegram and this could be made possible with the help of Youtube Bot. This bot suggests the trending and viral videos to its users and YouTube channels can also be searched by their names.

YouTube Bot can also be connected to your email account to show the list of your subscriptions. You can also add YouTube Bot to your Telegram channel and group for more entertainment.

15. Swelly

Swelly is a great bot for those who love giving and taking suggestions. Using Swelly, the user will see two photos and will be given A and B options to vote for. Other than that, the user can also check out the trending hashtags and can also download the Swelly app from the Play Store.

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So that’s it. In this article, we got to know about best Telegram bots using which we can make Telegram more productive. From listening to music to booking air tickets and hotel rooms, we can do almost everything using these amazing Telegram bots. Other than that, Telegram introduces great bots and useful features from time to time, so be in touch with TechUntold to know more about Telegram and unveil the hidden side of it.