One of the best ways to advertise in this modern technology-filled world is the use of Twitter. Managed the right way, you can reach thousands of people very quickly. If you aren’t reaching the amount of people you feel you should be reaching, maybe the fault lies in the time of day and day of the week you’re tweeting.

Whether you’re managing a business account on Twitter or just a personal one, there are tools that will help you find the best time to tweet. Five of them are detailed below.

1. Buffer App

Buffer App will analyze your Twitter feed and schedule tweets. Analyzing requires a premium account, but they do allow you a seven day trial first. The scheduling part of the service does not require a premium account. Buffer has also done some research for you regarding when the best time is and acknowledges there’s a difference between clicks and engagement. Once you find the premium time or times a day for your tweets, you can schedule them to post through the service. They also offer four different methods spelled out to help you find that right time. In addition, Buffer connects with Facebook and Linked In. You can access the site online or through an Android/iOS app.

2. TweetWhen

TweetWhen only asks for your Twitter name and optionally your email and shows you which days and what times you get the most retweets. I tried this with my own Twitter account, but it said I didn’t have enough retweets to properly gauge this. Clearly this is not for beginners or casual Twitter use.

3. Tweriod

Tweriod doesn’t just analyze your tweeting habits but those of your followers as well. Instead of giving you a chart to follow, it gives you an exact time of when your tweets will get the most exposure. Instead of showing you these results, they will be emailed to you or sent by DM. It also works in conjunction with Buffer, if you so choose.

4. SocialBro

SocialBro is another site that works in conjunction with Buffer. It generates a report by analyzing your followers’ timelines to get a handle on their Twitter habits and comes up with an algorithm it uses to schedule tweets in Buffer. Once the report has been emailed to you, it gives you an option to “CONFIG BUFFER SCHEDULE.” It offers a free fifteen day trial, but after that you’ll have to pay monthly. Please note that at the current time it doesn’t work on tablets.

5. MediaBistro

MediaBistro offers you more generic advice. It doesn’t offer a personalized service analyzing your tweets and possibly the habits of your followers, but does post an infographic of the best overall time to tweet, as well as the best times to post on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. It also tells you when the worst times are. Here’s a hint: when you’re sleeping, so is everyone else.


Some of you may have noticed HootSuite missing from this list. There is a reason for that. I found it very difficult to work with. It was hard to navigate to where I wanted to be. Eventually I reached the point of asking it to analyze my account, and it told me it couldn’t, because I didn’t use their link shortener, I’m not going to redo all my links, so for that it got taken off the “Best” list.

Do you know of other tools to find the best time to tweet that belong on this list? Chime in below in the comments.

Image credit: twitter: what are you doing?

Laura has spent nearly 20 years writing news, reviews, and op-eds, with more than 10 of those years as an editor as well. She has exclusively used Apple products for the past three decades. In addition to writing and editing at MTE, she also runs the site’s sponsored review program.

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