While completing the Bloody Path to Peace quest in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, you will have to carry Coelbert on your back and take him out of the cave to the Wesberie. The problem is that Coelbert suffers a big wound during the fight and cannot move on his own; hence, Eivor has to help him. Taking Coelbert to Wesberie once out of the cave is very simple; however, taking him out of the cave on your back is a challenging part. In this AC Valhalla: how to get Coelbert out of the cave guide, we will walk you through the best tips that will help you take Coelbert to Wesberie and complete the Bloody Path to Peace quest.

Bloody Path To Peace: How to Get Coelbert Out of The Cave in AC Valhalla

The key to get Coelbert out of the cave in AC Valhalla during the Bloody Path to Peace quest is using ramps scattered across the cave. There are plenty of obstacles hindering your way out, but these ramps will let you overcome these obstacles easily.

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The first obstacle you will find is a small wall that you can jump across. However, the ramp to the right-front of the small wall will help you do it easily.

Now, turn left at the movable wall to get to the second obstacle, which is a huge wall.

Run-on the ramp in front of the wall and jump when you are at the edge of the ramp to reach the wall. Press X on PS4 or A on Xbox One to jump and reach the wall.

After the walls come to the holes, where Eivor is supposed to squeeze through. You don’t have to get into the first hole, in fact, you won’t be able to. Instead, use the ramp in front of the hole to jump across to the next room.

Here, you will find another, but a bigger hole. Simply sneak under the hole and cross it.

Once you are past the hole, there are only a few small walls that you can easily jump over and take Coelbert out of the cave in AC Valhalla.

How to Take Coelbert to Wesberie Location and Complete The Bloody Path to Peace Quest in AC Valhalla

Once you are out of the cave, all you need to do to complete the Bloody Path to Peace quest in AC Valhalla is to take Coelbert to Wesberie location. You can either walk or run to Wesberie while carrying Coelbert on your back, or you can summon your horse or other mounts that you have to reach there faster without any hassle. This will complete the quest. Refer to the below image for help with Wesberie location in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

That’s everything you need to know about how to take Coelbert out of the cave in AC Valhalla. While here you can read about completing other quests in the game. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is a very challenging game when it comes to completing quests. If you don’t have the right direction, you can end up going back and forth to complete the quests. You can read Seer Myth, Mistress of The Iron Wood, and Asgard’s Well-Traveled quests guide.