Hysing The World Wise is one of many NPCs that you will meet in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. When you meet him on the island in the northwest of Rygjafylke, he will take you on a tour of ‘England’. Once the tour is completed, you will get to meet his son and get an opportunity to either stop his fantasy or enable it.

Irrespective of what option you choose, you will be facing their consequences. If you are wondering about the result of each choice, we have a guide showing you what happens if you lie Picts surrender or wake from your dream in AC Valhalla.

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Lie Picts Surrender or Wake From Your Dream – Hysing The World Wise

When Hysing The World Wise takes you to “Wincestre” and you discover that ‘King Alfred’ is missing, he will run off to the hills. When you start following him, you will find yourself in a camp with a couple of tents.

There, you will see a scarecrow – King Alfred in the flesh, or rather, straw – and an angry woodsman. Upon reading the note by the scarecrow, you will get to know that Hysing is not all there, and it is his late wife who sent a letter to their son, asking him to take care of his octogenarian father.

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The son named Djon is the angry woodsman, who is quite angry that you are feeding his father’s delusions. Now is the time to make a decision.

  • (LIE) The Picts surrender  – Eivor will tell Hysam that the Picts are paying tribute if he forgives them and let allow them free passage through your land. Hysam will clam down but his son Djon would not be happy sparing their lives. Eivor will tell him that at least he will know that the old man gets food every day and that someday, maybe, the fog will lift.
  • Wake from your dream – Eivor will tell Hysam that although his fantasy world might be pleasant, there are real people in the real world who care about him. The old man will denounce and dethrone the king for betraying “the people”, then calm down.

Irrespective what option you choose, Djon will apologize for his rude approach and Eivor will comfort him by saying that there is honor and courage in what you do and gods know it.

While you are here, don’t miss a thing about this epic Viking saga by checking out our AC Valhalla guides on Gamer Tweak. Learn more tips and tricks about how to get Thor’s Helmet and how to earn money fast!