Learn to fly like a bird, Javelin Suit is a hyper-advanced tech used in Anthem by Freelancer to explore and compete in lethal situations. Without Javelin, no one can wander outside the safe lines, so it’s everything, it’s your real body in Anthem. To learn to control is properly is an indispensable skill, understanding all core aspects of the Suit from managing load-outs to upgrading the suit can turn you peerless. All it begins with controls so I am writing down the controls for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, bookmark this page or print it, keep this near you if you are new to the game and struggling to overpower the Javelin.

Anthem Javelin Suit – PC Controls

PC Controls scheme follows a common layout of movement, weapon usage, but certain additional keys are added to perform necessary movements.

Keyboard Movement Controls:

  • W / S – Forward / Back
  • A / D – Left / Right
  • Left Shift – Sprint / Fly while in Air
  • Left Ctrl / Middle Mouse Click – Evade
  • Mouse – Rotate Camera
  • C / Thumb Mouse Button – Hover. (Thumb Mouse Button is an additional key
  • available in Gaming Mouse).
  • Space Bar – Jump, the key is also used for landing to end your flight.

Keyboard Weapons & Attack Controls:

  • Mouse Wheel – Switch Weapons
  • R – Reload
  • Right Mouse Key – Aim
  • Left Mouse Key – Shoot
  • V – Melee Attack

Keyboard Ability Controls:

  • Q – Ability 1
  • E – Ability 2
  • Z – Ability 3
  • X – Ultimate Ability

Keyboard Environment, Menu & Gesture Controls:

  • Esc – Go to Menu
  • F – Interact
  • J – Go to Cortex
  • Period (.) – Activate Emote
  • Comma (,) – Next Emote
  • Slash (/) – Previous Emote
  • T – VOIP Push-to-talk

Anthem Javelin Suit – Xbox Controls

Xbox Controls are listed below, learn them to master Javelin Suit in Anthem.

Xbox Controller Movement Controls:

  • Right Stick – Rotate Camera
  • B – Evade on ground and Air Evade while flying.
  • B + Right Stick – Air Evade in any direction while flying.
  • Left Stick – Movement / Throttle & Banking Control in Flight
  • Press Left Stick – Sprint / Fly in Air.
  • Press Right Stick – Hover in Air
  • A – Jump & End your flight, press it to land.
  • A – Press A multiple time to activate Double Jump for Ranger, Triple Jump for
  • Interceptor and Thrusters for Colossus.

Xbox Weapons & Attack Controls:

  • Y – Melee Attack
  • Left Trigger (LT) – Aim Weapon
  • Right Trigger (RT) – Shoot.
  • Press and hold X – Switch Weapons or Interact
  • X – Reload

Xbox Ability Controls:

  • Left Button (LB) – Ability 1
  • Right Button (RB) – Ability 2
  • LB + RB – Ability 3
  • D-Pad Up – Ultimate Ability

Xbox Environment, Menu & Gesture Controls:

  • Menu Button – Go to Menu
  • View Button – Go to Cortex
  • D-Pad Left, D-Pad Down & D-Pad Right – Activated Selected Emote

Anthem Javelin Suit – PS4 Controls

PS4 Controls are listed below, learn them to master Javelin Suit in Anthem.

PS4 Controller Movement Controls:

  • Right Stick – Rotate Camera
  • Circle – Evade
  • Circle + Right Stick – Air Evade in any direction while flying.
  • B – Evade on ground and Air Evade while flying.
  • B + Right Stick –Left Stick – Movement / Throttle & Banking Control in Flight
  • Press Left Stick – Sprint / Fly in Air.
  • Press Right Stick – Hover in Air
  • X – Jump & End your flight press it to land.
  • X – Press X multiple time to activate Double Jump for Ranger, Triple Jump for
  • Interceptor and Thrusters for Colossus.

PS4 Weapons & Attack Controls:

  • Triangle – Melee Attack
  • L2 – Aim Weapon
  • R2 – Shoot.
  • Press and hold Square – Switch Weapons or Interact
  • Square – Reload

PS4 Ability Controls:

  • L1 – Ability 1

  • R1 – Ability 2

  • L1 + R1 – Ability 3

  • D-Pad Up – Ultimate Ability

  • Touchpad – Go to Menu

  • Options – Go to Cortex

  • D-Pad Left, D-Pad Down & D-Pad Right – Activated Selected Emote

There are some important keys to learn first, evade, triggering abilities and ultimate ability, this will help you to trigger Combo Attacks, for Ranger, Colossus, Interceptor, and Storm.