Apex Legends store not working issue has been causing a lot of problems for gamers that wish to purchase brand new cosmetics for their characters and even the battle pass. While the new season Legacy has just begun, the game has been a massive increase as they’re tying in the lore of Titan Fall 2 as well. If you want to know how to quickly fix the Apex Legends issue, read the rest of this article.

How To Fix Apex Legends Store Not Working Issue

Sadly, there’s nothing that you can do to fix the Apex Legends store not working issue at the moment. While EA and Respawn Entertainment have released the Season 9 update, a few server issues were expected.

The game has seen a massive increase in the player base in recent days and even celebrated crossing the mark of over one million active players.

Also Read: How To Fix Code 408 Error In Apex Legends

If you wish to know when the issue will get fixed you will have to check their social pages. While the devs have recognized that this issue has been affecting players, they’re already working on a fix.

We’re working through some service issues in @playapex at the moment due to high demand.

We’re on top of it and will get players into games as quickly as we can!

— Respawn (@Respawn) May 4, 2021

So, at the moment there’s nothing that you can do except to enjoy the game with all the things that you have, and maybe in some time, this store not working issue will get fixed.

This is a quite normal and not so severe issue for the game to be affecting and while it may delay some players from getting their hands on the brand new cosmetics, the developers have it worse.

This is all there is to know about how to fix the Apex Legends store not working issue, while you’re here make sure to check out the Best Settings For Apex Legends On Nintendo Switch right here on Gamer Tweak.