Bethesda is a Game Development Company that has brought us the games like the Fallout series, The Elder Scrolls, and many more. These games have huge RPG elements in them and also support multiplayer. Due to some reasons, the servers stopped working. In this guide, I will explain the Bethesda Server down issue and how to fix them. I will show you how to check the Server Status as well.

How to check Bethesda Server Status?

You check Bethesda’s Server Status by visiting On their website, you get a list of all the Live games that are either in the Operational, Maintenance, Partial Outage or Outage state. These states will be displayed at the side of the Game on the Bethesda Server Status website. Here you will be able to decipher if the problem is with the Game or your system.

Checking Out Bethesda’s Twitter Account

Other ways of checking the Server Status

Websites like Downdetector, Isitdownrightnow, and the likes will also provide you with information on Bethesdas Server Status.

Why are Bethesda Servers Down?

Bethesda Servers can go down due to a few reasons. Some of these reasons could be due to an error that occurred which rendered them to a halt. In such cases, the developers usually notify you about the situation. Another reason why servers go down is the influx of players after a recent update in any of Bethesdas Games. The servers get so loaded that they go down. The pressure of handling so many players is always a temporary problem so don’t worry. And finally, a major reason why servers go down is for maintenance. Server Maintenance is important as it checks on how well they are doing and if any fixes are needed to be applied.

You can also check the Server Status by going on their official website. If they are working then the issue lies in your client system. Depending on which Bethesda Game Server went down, you will have to clear the cache memory or reinstall that game. You could also run that game as an administrator.

This was all about Bethesda servers going down. Hopefully, this guide was helpful for you. You can also check our other guides like Infinite Loading Screen Bug Fix and Getting Glass in Skyrim.