According to the developers of Larian Studios, there is a good chance that the fantasy role-playing game Baldur’s Gate III will eventually be coming for the next-gen consoles of PS5 and Xbox Series X. Initially, however, the internal focus was on the PC version for which fresh gameplay was released.

The Larian Studios of Belgian, which recently attracted attention with the series of Divinity Original Sin, are currently working on the fantasy role-playing game Baldur’s Gate III. If everything goes as planned despite the effects of the COVID 19-related move to the home office, then Baldur’s Gate III will be available at early access on the PC in August this year.

To get in the mood for the pre-release version, the ambitious role-playing game was presented in a detailed live stream. If you might have missed this, you can immediately take a look at the video published at the bottom of this article.

As creative director Swen Vincke confirmed on request, the developers of Larian Studios are currently concentrating on the versions for the PC and Google’s streaming service Stadia. However, it would be quite conceivable that Baldur’s Gate III will be implemented for the consoles at a later date. Vincke did not specify the platforms, but we can probably assume that the creative director here refers to the PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Lastly, the Larian Studios pointed out a few weeks ago that the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 will probably be empty due to the aged hardware. “Our focus right now is PC and Stadia. We’re going to first focus very hard on getting those two to work, and then we’ll see what happens,” Vincke stated.
