Thank you Jake for the Tip! If you have a tip or trick that you would like to share with everyone submit it here!

I’ve got this tip from Jake, one of our visitors, who told us about this very interesting open source project called BootMed, which is an Ubuntu remix that is targeted for the average Windows user and for those who may be new to the world of Linux.

BootMed basically is a live CD that your computer can boot from and load a new operating system from a CD, that is totally independent of your hard drive, meaning that it will boot your computer even in the event that Windows isn’t working correctly and it will not modify anything inside of your computer hard drive.

When BootMed is loaded you will find that it comes with great tutorials easy to understand (to get access to the tutorials the computer must be connected to the internet) and it also comes with a variety of tools installed — All free software — that will help you to fix many problems that can occur in Windows. The tutorials walk the average user through recovering deleted files, recover a computer that will not boot, imaging or cloning a damaged drive, even making a virtual machine out of a physical one, plus recover a deleted partition and securely erase a hard drive. You can check the complete list in more detail by visiting this site.

Now download a copy of BootMed and be the HERO for your friends and family the next time there is a computer problem!