Are you looking for new Minecraft Bedrock Edition Servers to join? If so we have compiled a list of the same for you. Mentioned below are some of the best Minecraft Servers that we could find. So, scroll down and live out all your Blocky World fantasies with these unique servers.

Best Minecraft Bedrock Edition Servers

Table of Contents

NetherGames IP Address:

NetherGames is one of the largest servers on Minecraft. It also has various different modes that you can use to experience various gameplay types. One of the best servers if you are looking for a bit of everything.

Broken Lens IP Address:

Broken Lens is also one of the largest Minecraft servers the game has ever seen. It includes various game modes such as SkyWars, Survival, Spleef, and HideAndSeek. It also provides one of the most unique experiences you will ever see from a Minecraft game.

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HyperLands Minecraft Bedrock Edition Servers IP Address:

Hyperlands is one of the most unique servers in Minecraft. If PvP is your thing you should definitely have a look at this server. It also has unique modes such as Bridge and Duels.

Euphoria IP Address:

This is a big Survival Server for the Bedrock Edition. It also doubles up as quite a huge visual treat. The challenging nature and features are what allows it to have a separate fanbase.

CosmicPE IP Address:

This is one of the servers which gives a huge influence on customization. It also has a dedicated PvP mode in the game along with various game modes.

This is everything you need to know about the best Bedrock Edition Servers in Minecraft. Now that you are here make sure to check out some of our Minecraft Guides in the interlinked article.